Play before you buy
The Play before you buy promotion gives you an opportunity to demo the game for 15 minutes to users and then offer them to buy a game key for the selected platform. When you enable this promotion in Publisher Account, you need to select a game key package you want to sell.
How it works
- Users, whether with guest access or the authorized ones, can access a 15-minute game trial before making a purchase.
- After the trial period ends, a modal window appears offering to purchase the full version of the game.
- Users can make a purchase in the Xsolla payment UI without leaving their streaming session. Users can also close the offer window and buy the game later by clicking the purchase button on the start page.

You cannot use the Play before you buy and Guest session for 15 min promotions simultaneously.
How to set it up
To enable the promotion:
- Open your project in Publisher Account and go to the Cloud Gaming section.
- In the game pane where you want to enable promotions, click:
Edit info — if your game is already published.Fill info — you have not published your game yet.
- Go to the
Promotion tab. - Set the
Play before you buy toggle to active. - Click
Save changes .
The promotion becomes available to users once you save the settings.
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