Create bundle with game keys
Bundles allow you to combine digital content distributed via keys into a single package. For example, you can include keys for multiple games, DLCs, soundtracks, and upgrades to extended editions in a bundle. This sales format benefits both users and developers: users get access to games at a discounted price, while developers can increase audience engagement and boost sales.
Flexible settings also allow you to apply discounts and set time-based or quantity-based restrictions on the offer.
- You can’t add the same bundle to the bundle.
- You can’t create an empty bundle.
- The bundle sales are paused once you run out of keys to sell and these keys are included in the bundle.
- You can configure regional restrictions for a bundle only via API.
To set up a bundle:
- In your project in Publisher Account, go to the Store > Bundles section.
- Click Create bundle.

- Set the basic bundle settings:
- Image
- Bundle name
- Bundle description (optional)
- Click Next.
- Configure bundle contents:
- In the Product type field, select Game keys.
- Check the boxes next to the game keys you want to include in the bundle.
- Click Next.
- Set up pricing for the bundle:
- Define prices or create a free bundle:
- To create a free bundle, in the Paid or free field, select Free bundle.
- To set a price, in the Paid or free field, select Paid bundle and specify the price in one or multiple currencies.
- Set regional prices (optional). To configure regional pricing for specific countries, follow these steps:
- In the Country-based pricing in real currency field, click Add price.
- Specify country, currency and price amount.
- Set a purchase limit for the bundle (optional). To do this, set the Limit number of times one user can buy bundle toggle to On and specify the number of bundles a user can purchase.
- Define prices or create a free bundle:
- Click Next.
- Configure the display of the bundle in the store:
- Change the status to Available.
- Set a time limit for displaying a bundles in the store (optional). To do this, select Time period and specify the time zone, the beginning and end of the period. If you don’t want to indicate the end of the item display period, check the No end date box.
- Click Next.
- Check the settings and click Save.
The order of bundles in the store follows the order of bundles in the list. To change the position of a bundle hover over the row number and drag the row to the desired position using the ☰ icon.
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