
How it works

Pre-orders allow you to sell the game before its official release date. A receipt is emailed to the users after they pre-order a game. The users get access to the game on the release date.

How to get it

  1. In the Game Keys section in Publisher Account, select a package or create a new one.
  2. In the Keys and pre-orders section, switch the Pre-orders toggler to On.
  3. Set up the Release date:
    • Exact date - Specify the date and time keys will be sent.
    • No exact date - Start selling the game and add the exact date later. Once you know the release date, you can edit the created package and specify the exact date.
  4. Upload game keys in the Keys section and save changes.

Features and limitations of pre-orders

  • On the release date, the button on the widget changes from Pre-order to Buy Now.
  • The Sold Out notification appears near the chosen platform in the purchase confirmation window, if you run out of keys for this DRM.
  • The Sold Out notification appears near the chosen platform in the purchase confirmation window and the keys are not sold if you don’t upload the keys before the release date.
  • If you upload the keys after the release date, they are emailed to players automatically after one hour.
  • You can also sell keys with pre-orders if you don’t specify the exact release date. Game keys are emailed to users on the release date after you specify it.

Features of keys distribution via email

The content of email with a receipt depends on the date when the pre-order was purchased:

  • Before the game release — the email contains the information on the release date according to the settings in Publisher Account.
  • After the game release — the email contains a game key.

Game access emails are sent automatically on the game release day. You will need to upload keys in Publisher Account and specify the exact release date.

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Last updated: March 26, 2025

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