Anti-fraud analytics in Publisher Account

In Publisher Account’s Analytics > Overview > Anti-fraud section, you can find detailed information about transactions, refunds, chargebacks, and blocked users for all your projects.

Available sections:

Basic statistics

Data on transactions and refunds are displayed in this section. You can use the following search filters:

  • time period
  • projects
  • payment source countries
  • payment systems

Information about transactions

In this section, you can find the following data on transactions:
  • Transactions by status — distribution of transactions by status for the selected period.
  • Acceptance rate — a ratio of successful transactions passed the Anti-fraud (AFS) check to the total number of all transactions for the selected period.

In the drop-down list, you can configure displaying information on the graphs by days, weeks, and months.

  • AFS statistics by country — a percent of successful transactions that passed the AFS check in a particular country.
  • Top 6 payment methods by AFS rejects — the dynamics of rejected transactions by payment methods.


In this section, you can find the following data on refunds:
  • Refund rate — a ratio of the number of refunds, excluding chargebacks, to the total number of all successful transactions.
  • Fraud refunds — the number of refunds of fraud payments, including friendly fraud and fraud reported by both payment systems and users.
  • Fraud refunds amount — the amount of refunds of fraud payments, including friendly fraud and fraud reported by both payment systems and users.
  • Non-fraud refunds — the number of refunds, excluding fraud payments, friendly fraud, chargebacks, as well as fraud reported by both payment systems and users.
  • Non-fraud refunds amount — the amount of refunds, excluding fraud payments, friendly fraud, chargebacks, as well as fraud reported by both payment systems and users.
  • Refunds by payment method — the distribution of refunds by payment methods. On the diagram, you can see the total number of refunds for a particular payment method and its share from the total number of refunds in percent.
  • Refunds by country — the distribution of refunds by countries. On the diagram, you can see the total number of refunds for a particular country and its share from the total number of refunds in percent.


In this section, you can find data on blocked users in your projects. You can use the following search filters:

  • time period
  • projects
  • user status in the blocklist: Blocked, Unblocked
  • LTV (Lifetime Value) span — the amount of all user payments, excluding chargeback fees in US dollars

You can view the following data:

  • The number of unique users in the blocklist for the selected period.
  • The number of user blocks for the selected period. One user can be blocked multiple times, that is why the number of users and blocks may not match.
  • The number of chargebacks.
  • The total amount of LTV after deducting the amount of chargeback fees.

Data on the blocked users is displayed in the table with the following columns:

  • Project — name and project ID
  • Xsolla User ID — user ID on Xsolla side
  • Current status — user status in the blocklist: Blocked, Unblocked
  • Block count — the number of user blocks
  • First block date — a date when a user was added to the blocklist for the first time
  • Last block date — a date when a user was added to the blocklist for the last time
  • LTV — the total amount of a particular user’s payments, excluding the amount of chargeback fees
  • Chargebacks — the number of chargebacks about which Xsolla received notifications from payment systems because a user claimed a transaction to be illegitimate
A user can have a negative LTV value when a user has several completed transactions and several chargebacks. The corresponding chargebacks fees might be significantly higher than the total amount of completed transactions. Refer to our documentation for detailed information about fees.

Chargebacks statistics

In this section, you can find data on chargebacks. You can use the following search filters:

  • time period
  • projects
  • payments’ country
  • payment system

You can view the following data:

  • Number of chargebacks — the number of received chargebacks for the selected period
  • Chargeback rate — a ratio of the number of chargebacks to the total number of successful transactions
  • Chargeback amount — the total amount of received chargebacks for the selected period
  • Win rate — a ratio of won chargebacks to the total number of disputed chargebacks
  • Saved money — the total amount of saved money as a result of successful dispute resolutions
  • Dispute fee — the total amount of chargeback fees paid during the selected period
  • Chargebacks by payment method — the distribution of chargebacks by payment systems
  • Chargebacks by country — the distribution of chargebacks by countries
  • Win rate dynamics — the dynamics of won chargebacks for the selected period
  • Chargeback reasons — the distribution of chargebacks by reasons
  • Chargeback results — the distribution of chargebacks by dispute results
  • Chargeback types — the distribution of chargebacks by stages
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Last updated: February 20, 2025

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