Payment UI localization
The payment UI and receipts sent to the player are localized in the following languages:
Language | Language code |
English (US) | en |
Arabic | ar |
Bulgarian | bg |
Burmese | my |
Chinese simplified | cn |
Chinese traditional | tw |
Czech | cs |
Filipino | ph |
French | fr |
German | de |
Hebrew | he |
Indonesian | id |
Italian | it |
Japanese | ja |
Khmer | km |
Korean | ko |
Lao | lo |
Nepali | ne |
Polish | pl |
Portuguese (Brazil) | pt |
Romanian | ro |
Russian (Russia) | ru |
Spanish (Spain) | es |
Thai | th |
Turkish | tr |
Vietnamese | vi |
parameter in the method for creating an order.Note
In accordance with Japanese law, if a user has a Japanese IP address, the payment UI uses Japanese regardless of the language code, browser language, or other settings.
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