Legal aspects

Sign licensing agreement

Signing the licensing agreement will allow you to monetize your project via any payment methods offered by Xsolla. To sign the licensing agreement:

  1. Open your Publisher Account.
  2. In the side menu, go to the Agreements & taxes > Agreements section.
  3. On the Licensing Agreement tab, click Complete application form.
  4. Provide your information in the corresponding fields.

Your application will be reviewed within 3 business days. In addition to checking all legal aspects, we check the game for adult content, copyright issues, and other prohibited or restricted content. If there are any questions during the verification process, we will notify the contact person indicated in the application. After the checking procedure is completed on Xsolla’s side, the status of your agreement will change to Signed.

Pass tax interview

To comply with US tax reporting and withholding regulations, Xsolla requires all of its partners to provide valid taxpayer identification information and produce the necessary tax form (W-8 for non-US persons and entities, W-9 for US persons and entities) through the tax interview. This step is available only after you sign the licensing agreement with Xsolla.

To pass the tax interview:

  1. Open your Publisher Account.
  2. In the side menu, go to the Agreements & taxes > Tax interview section. If you have any questions, refer to the FAQs answers that you can find in this section.
  3. Fill in the tax form with the accurate information about you or your company.

If there are any questions during the verification process, you will receive an email to the specified email address. After the checking procedure is completed, in the Agreements & taxes > Tax interview section, you can see that your tax interview has been reviewed and validated.

Refer to the Xsolla website for detailed information about international tax management.

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Last updated: July 23, 2024

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