Publish news articles on your site

On your site, you can publish news articles about game updates and promotions, share event announcements and other interesting posts and materials on your games. This allows you to drive more traffic to your site and increase conversion.

To publish articles on your site:

  1. Create article categories (optional).
  2. Create an article.
  3. Publish articles on your site.

To publish articles on your site, you need the new version of Xsolla Launcher. If you use an older version of the launcher, in the Launcher section, you will see a message offering you to try out the new version. Click Try now and create a new version launcher.

Create article categories

Use categories to group articles by topics, as well as to manage their display on your site.

To create an articles’‎ category:

  1. Open your project in Publisher Account.
  2. In the side menu, click Launcher.
  3. On the Dashboard tab, follow the steps:
    • If you already have created launchers, click Edit launcher in the pane of the necessary launcher.
    • If you haven’‎t created any launchers:
      1. Click Set up launcher.
      2. Click Create launcher.
      3. Specify the launcher’‎s name.
      4. Click Next.
      5. Select any operating system — this setting doesn’‎t affect publishing articles.
      6. Click Next.
      7. Click Create. To publish articles, you don’‎t need to add games and configure Login.
Refer to our documentation for detailed information about configuring launcher.
  1. In the Content section, click Content tiles.
  1. Click Create group.
  1. Fill in the required fields:
    • In the Where should this content be displayed? field, select All games.
    • Select the content placement on the page.
    • In the Which game is the content about? field, select It’s not game-related.

These settings are required to create articles’ categories but don’t affect their publishing.

  1. Click Next.
  2. Specify Title.
  3. If you already created articles, you can add them to this group.
  4. Click Create.

The created group will appear in the Content tiles section in the Draft status. To publish the group, change its status to Publish.

Create articles

To create an article:

  1. Open your project in Publisher Account.
  2. In the side menu, click Launcher.
  3. In the pane of the necessary launcher, click Edit launcher.
  4. In the Content section, click Content tiles.
  5. Click Create content.
  1. Fill in the required fields:
    • In the Where should this content be displayed? field, select All games.
    • Select the content placement on the page.
    • In the Which game is the content about? field, select It’s not game-related.

These settings are required to create articles but don’t affect their publishing.

  1. Click Next.
  2. Select the content type — News.
  3. Specify the article title.
  4. Upload an article image.
  5. In the Content field, add the article text. You can also add images, video, and links.
  6. If your site is localized into other languages, add localized versions of your article to the respective blocks.
  7. Click Create.

The created article will appear in the Content tiles section in the Draft status. To publish the article, change its status to Publish.

To add articles to a category:

  1. In the Content tiles section, click the edit icon in the like of the necessary content group.
  2. Go to the Content tab.
  3. In the Linked content field, specify articles you want to add to this category.
  4. Click Save.

Publish articles on your site

For the articles to be displayed on your site:

  1. Open your project in Publisher Account.
  2. In the side menu, click Site Builder.
  3. In the pane of the necessary site, click Open Site Builder.
  4. In the section of the page where you want to place articles, click Add block.
  5. Select the News block.
  1. In the side menu in the Content section from the News source drop-down list, select a launcher, published articles from which will be displayed on your site.
  2. In the side menu in the Content section in the Displayed categories drop-down list, select articles’ categories for publication — published content groups.
  1. If needed, customize the block in the Layout section:
    • hide or display the block’‎s heading
    • add custom background
    • display articles’‎ categories as tabs
  2. Publish your site. If your site has already been published, articles will be displayed on the site automatically.
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Last updated: November 7, 2024

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