Processing of personal data

Processing of personal data of the European Union (EU) users is regulated according to the provisions of the GDPR. Below you will find a list of the GDPR regulations and how Login can help you comply with them.

Login uses cookies that are necessary for it to work correctly. A registration form in Login Widget is used for giving consent to process cookies.

According to Articles 6-8 of the regulation, you must:

  • Request the data subject to give consent to the processing of his or her personal data,
  • Give the data subject the right to withdraw his or her consent at any time.

A registration form is used in Login Widget to request user consent to process personal data.

If a user changes his or her decision, you can cancel the processing of the personal data by sending a request to

User rights

According to Articles 15-17, 19 of the regulation, the user has rights to:

  • Get a copy of his or her personal data,
  • Ask for the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning him or her,
  • Ask for the erasure of personal data concerning him or her.

To get, rectify or erase user data:

  • Send a request to if you use the Xsolla storage.
  • Read the tutorial if you use PlayFab.
  • Choose your own method if you use a custom storage.

Processing and storage of personal data

According to Article 5 of the regulation, personal data shall be:

  • Collected for specified purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes;
  • Processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage.

Login uses the data that can affect the user’s blocking, email sending, payment making, and other ways of applying personal data.

Storage and transfer of personal data are encrypted according to the AES-256 algorithm.

Data portability

According to Article 20 of the regulation, the user has the right to transmit and store his or her personal data. You must provide the user with structured, commonly used and machine-readable format data.

To get user data:

  • Go to your Publisher Account > your Login project > Users if you use the Xsolla storage.
  • Read the tutorial if you use PlayFab.
  • Choose your own method if you use a custom storage.

User data protection

According to Article 32 of the regulation, you must provide a reliable level of data security, using:

  • Data encryption,
  • Data confidentiality,
  • Data integrity,
  • Resilient data processing systems.

There are several Login features than can help you comply with the requirements:

  • Data encryption in accordance with the AES-256 algorithm,
  • Checking for the correctness of the entered password,
  • Checking the password for security,
  • Data access restriction.

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Last updated: January 22, 2024

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