Errors list
Payment errors
Code | Description | Troubleshooting |
1001 | The amount entered is too low. It can be a limit set by the payment system or game. | The user needs to make payment with another payment method or select another item. |
1002 | The entered amount exceeds the limit set by the payment system or game. | The user needs to make payment with another payment method or to select another item. |
1003 | Email was not entered. | The user needs to specify their email. If there is no field in the UI to enter the email, check the token settings on your side. You can also contact Xsolla customer support or send the request in the Support Hub section in Publisher Account. |
1004 | Invalid email. | The user needs to check whether the entered email is correct. If there is no field in the UI to enter the email, check the token settings on your side. You can also contact Xsolla customer support or send the request in the Support Hub section in Publisher Account. |
1005 | The phone number was not entered. | The user needs to specify their phone number. |
1006 | Invalid phone number. | The user needs to specify a valid phone number. |
1009 | Invalid PIN code. | The user needs to check and specify the valid PIN code. |
1011 | Invalid prepaid card number. | The user needs to specify the valid prepaid card number. |
1015 | Invalid card number. | The user needs to check whether the card number is entered correctly. |
1016 | The card number was not entered. | The user needs to specify the valid card number. |
1017 | Insufficient funds. | The user needs to top up their account and try again. |
1020 | Entered pin code is invalid or already activated. | Inform the user that the entered code is invalid and ask them to try again. |
1029 | Full name was not entered. | The user needs to specify their first and last names. |
1030 | Invalid full name. | The user needs to specify the valid first and last names. |
1035 | The billing address was not entered. | The user needs to specify their billing address. |
1038 | Not all required fields are filled in. | The user needs to check that all required fields are filled in. Contact Xsolla customer support only if many users are encountering the same error. You can also send the request in the Support Hub section in Publisher Account. |
1045 | The city was not entered. | The user needs to specify the city. |
1046 | ZIP code not entered. | The user needs to specify the ZIP code. |
1051 | A US state or ZIP code was not entered. | The user needs to specify a US state or the ZIP code. |
1055 | Invalid card data. | The user needs to verify and re-enter their bank card data. |
1057 | Insufficient funds. | The user needs to top up their account. |
1059 | User country is not supported. | Contact Xsolla customer support to check if payments are available in the country. You can also send the request in the Support Hub section in Publisher Account. |
1061 | Invalid social security number (for Brazil). | The user needs to specify the valid social security number. |
1062 | Birth date is not entered. | The user needs to specify their birth date. |
1063 | Invalid birth date. | The user needs to specify the valid birth date. |
1068 | The last name is not entered. | The user needs to specify their last name and check that all required fields are filled in. |
1070 | Invalid personal number. | The user needs to provide correct information and check that all required fields are filled in. |
1071 | The user account is blocked by the payment system. | The user needs to contact payment system customer support. |
1083 | Invalid personal number (for Colombia). | The user needs to provide the correct information and check that all required fields are filled in. |
1084 | Invalid saved payment method. | The user needs to check whether the saved payment method has expired. You can also remove this payment method from the list and ask the user to try again. |
1089 | A bank card is not selected in the user’s PayPal account. | The user needs to select a bank card in their PayPal account for making payments. |
1091 | Expired card. | The user needs to use a valid card. |
1093 | The requested action is already applied to the gift card. E.g., you cannot deactivate a card that has already been deactivated. | The user needs to check the gift card number and to try again. If the error still appears, they need to contact the card provider. |
1094 | The gift card is already deactivated. | The user needs to check whether the gift card number is entered correctly. If necessary, they should contact the card provider. |
1096 | The user does not have enough loyalty points for the purchase. To complete the payment, the full amount will be charged to the linked card. | The user needs to make the payment with their card balance or use another payment method. |
1207 | Duplicate payment with the same details. | The user needs to try again. |
1208 | Invalid ZIP code. | The user needs to specify the valid ZIP code. |
1501 | An error with processing a transaction when paying with the card chosen in the PayPal account. | The user needs to choose another bank card in their PayPal account to make payment. If the error still appears, they need to contact PayPal customer support. |
2005 | The card number contains too many digits. | Inform the user that the entered card number contains too many digits and ask them to specify the valid card number. |
2009 | Exceeded the maximum number of attempts to pay with the same card. | The user needs to use another card to complete the payment. If the error still appears, they’ll need to contact Xsolla customer support. |
2010 | Additional data is required to complete the payment. | The user needs to follow the instructions in their payment system account. |
2011 | The Visa card is temporarily blocked due to an excessive amount of unsuccessful payment attempts (15 attempts in 30 days). | The user needs to use another card or payment method. |
2033 | There are no available payment methods in the user country. | Check the settings for top payment methods for the country. You can also send the request in the Support Hub section in Publisher Account. |
3021 | The amount entered is too low. | The user needs to make the payment using another payment method or to select another item. |
3022 | The amount entered is too high. | Inform the user about the maximum limit. |
3023 | Session expired. | The user needs to start the payment process again. If the error still appears, ask the user to clear cache and cookies. |
3025 | Subscription charges are disabled. | The user needs to subscribe again. |
3026 | A user is already subscribed. | The user needs to wait until their current subscription expires and then make the payment at that point. Another option is to cancel the current subscription, at the user’s discretion. |
3032 | Internal error. | Send information about payment tokens with errors or user IDs and project IDs to Xsolla via any of the available communication channels:
3033 | Error while adding a payment account to the subscription. | The user should check their payment account’s expiry and try again. |
3035 | Switching between subscription plans is not possible. | We recommend not to change the subscription plan. The user can subscribe to a new plan when the current subscription expires. Contact Xsolla customer support only if many users are encountering the same error. You can also send the request in the Support Hub section in Publisher Account. |
3036 | The user’s country is not supported for this project. | Check if there are any country restrictions. If there are none, contact Xsolla customer support. You can also send the request in the Support Hub section in Publisher Account. |
3040 | The subscription cannot be renewed. | The user needs to wait for the subscription to expire and subscribe again. |
3042 | The subscription is already active. | The user needs to wait until the subscription expires and make the payment at that point. Another option is to cancel the subscription and resubscribe, at the user’s discretion. |
3045 | Insufficient funds on the balance to renew the subscription. | The user needs to check their account balance. If the user cannot top up the account balance, and you cannot link another payment method to an existing subscription, cancel the subscription and advise the user to subscribe again, specifying a new payment method. |
3046 | The entered ZIP code does not correspond to the selected delivery country. | The user needs to specify the valid ZIP code and try again. If the error still appears, they need to contact Xsolla customer support. |
3051 | The selected user already has this subscription. | The user needs to select another subscription to gift. |
5022 | The payment was declined by the PayPal security service. | The user needs to contact PayPal customer support. |
5026 | It is impossible to save the card due to local restrictions. | The user needs to save another payment method. |
40008 | Payments made with Molpay are not supported in the user country. | The user needs to use another payment method. |
Integration errors
Code | Description | Troubleshooting |
0002-0004 | The licensing agreement with Xsolla was not signed. | Signing the licensing agreement will allow you to monetize your project via any payment methods offered by Xsolla. To sign the licensing agreement:
Your application will be reviewed within 3 business days. In addition to checking all legal aspects, we check the game for adult content, copyright issues, and other prohibited or restricted content. If there are any questions during the verification process, we will notify the contact person indicated in the application. After the checking procedure is completed on Xsolla’s side, the status of your agreement will change to Signed. |
0004-0008 | Invalid URL for opening the payment UI. | Check if you use the correct URL address:
If there are real payments made in your project, only users specified in the Company settings > Users section can open the payment UI in sandbox mode. You can find the transaction registry in Publisher Account in the Accounting section. |
2205, 2207 | Invalid user ID. |
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