Test site in live mode
Test payment process on test payments
After publishing site, all payments are made in the live mode by default. Making a payment in the sandbox mode is only available for users specified in Publisher Account in the Company Settings > Users section. To test the functionality in the sandbox mode:
- Open your project in Publisher Account.
- Click Site Builder in the side menu.
- In the panel of your website, click Open Site Builder.
- In the top right corner of the builder, click Preview.
- On the tab that opens, click Log in in the upper right corner and authenticate with a user email from your project in Publisher Account or create a new user account in the game using the same email.
To view the email added to Publisher Account, go to the Company settings > Users section.
You can change the email address registered on your website or add it following the instructions.
You can change the email address registered on your website or add it following the instructions.
- Choose a game and click the purchase button.
- Choose the Card payment method group.
- Enter the test bank card details. In other fields, you can enter any data. You can also specify incorrect details (card number, expiration date, or CVV) to test if an error is generated.
- Click Pay.
If you receive the 0004-0008 error when making a test payment on the site preview, check if your site has been published. In such cases, only users specified in the Company settings > Users section can make test payments.
Edit user profile
To add a new email address to Publisher Account:
- Open your project in Publisher Account.
- Click Login in the side menu.
- Select the project associated with your site and click Configure.
- In the User database section, go to the Users page.
- Find the necessary user and click the ••• icon to open the menu, then click View Profile.
- In the Contact Info field, specify the Primary email that will be used for testing the sandbox mode.
- Click Save changes.
Test payment process on real payments
Before checking the payment process on real payments, remove the script for working in sandbox mode from the site page and republish the site.
To make a real payment, follow these steps:
- Open the site.
- Log in or sign up on the site.
- Select a game and click the buy button.
- Choose the Credit/Debit cards group of payment methods.
After the launch of the project, payment by any methods is available, but for testing, it is recommended to use Visa or MasterCard cards.
- Enter valid bank card details.
To make a refund, follow these steps:
- In Publisher Account, go to the Support > Transaction search section.
- Choose the test transaction and click the More (•••) menu button. Click Refund in the pop-up menu (transaction should have the Complete status).
After the first real payment is made, a strict sandbox payment policy takes effect. A payment in the sandbox mode is available only to users who are specified in Publisher Account in the Company settings > Users section.
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