
Boost loyalty, increase engagement, and build consistent revenue streams with player-friendly subscription plans.

Subscriptions solution allows users to get access to a package of services under specified conditions. Key features:

  • Define subscription-based products.
  • Define plans. You can create and configure plans for each currency, set the trial period, configure the grace period, view subscribed users, and change subscription statuses for specific users.
  • Manage user subscriptions from your Publisher Account: create and configure plans for each currency, set trial periods, configure grace periods, view subscribed users, and change subscription statuses for specific users.
  • Let users manage their subscriptions from a dashboard. They will be able to see detailed subscription information, view payment history, change the plan, and suspend/renew/cancel the subscription.
  • Enable automatic renewal using a saved payment account.
  • Let users renew subscriptions manually.

Play demo

Get started with the product

Choose one of the following options for integrating Subscriptions:

For desktop and web applications

Earn more by selling subscriptions in your app’s in-game store.

Get started Play demo

For mobile applications

Create a web shop that sells subscriptions for your mobile app.

Get started Play demo

Continue with the product

Learn about advanced setups from our how-tos.


Explore references & resources

Learn more about the product.

API reference


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Last updated: March 3, 2025

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