Demo walkthrough

Demo versioning is a convenient way to explore the features of Web Shop and test them yourself.

Play demo

In the demo version, you can:


To test the authentication in the demo version:

  1. Click Log in in the top right corner of the demo version.
  2. Authenticate using:
    • User ID – this can be any random set of characters. If you want to test receiving clan rewards, enter one of the following user IDs:
      • 12345678903001
      • 12345678903002
      • 12345678903003
      • 12345678903004
    • QR code. To do this, scan the QR code using the camera of your mobile device. Further work with the demo version will continue on your mobile device.

Making a purchase

You can make a purchase directly from the store page or use the shopping cart.

Making a purchase without using shopping cart

To test purchasing a product without using the shopping cart in the demo version:
  1. Log in to the store.
  2. Click the purchase button on the product card.
  3. Enter the following data in the payment interface:
Card number4111 1111 1111 1111
CVV2/CVC2Any three digits. Example: 123.
EmailProvide any email address that includes the @ symbol, a dot after it, and a top-level domain. Example:
ZIP codeAny six digits. Example: 123456.
  1. Click Pay.

Making a purchase using shopping cart

To test purchasing a product using the shopping cart in the demo version:
  1. Log in to the store.
  2. Add items to the cart.
  3. Click the cart button in the top right corner.
  4. Click Check out.
  5. Enter the following data in the payment interface:
Card number4111 1111 1111 1111
CVV2/CVC2Any three digits. Example: 123.
EmailProvide any email address that includes the @ symbol, a dot after it, and a top-level domain. Example:
ZIP codeAny six digits. Example: 123456.
  1. Click Pay.

Applying a promo code or coupon

To test the use of promo codes and coupons in the demo version:

  1. Log in to the store.
  2. Enter one of the following codes in the promo code field:
    • CODE - for a discount
    • COUPON - for a bonus item

    1. Click Redeem code.
    You can also test the use of a discount promo code in the cart. To do this, go to the cart, enter the CODE, and click Redeem code.

    Participating in a promotion with a reward chain

    You can test clan and individual reward chains in the demo version.
    Clan reward chains are designed for clan members. When purchasing certain items, the clan earns value points, known as Clan Points in the demo version. The more purchases with value points clan members make, the further the clan progresses along the reward chain.
    Individual reward chains are for a single user. When purchasing specific items, the user earns value points, called Reward Points in the demo version. The more purchases with value points the user makes, the further they progress along the reward chain.

    Clan reward chains

    To test clan reward chains:

    1. Log in to the store with one of the following user IDs:
      • 12345678903001
      • 12345678903002
      • 12345678903003
      • 12345678903004
      If you have logged into the demo version before, log out. To do this, click the user ID in the top right corner and then click Log out.
    2. Purchase one of the items for which clan reward points are provided as a bonus. In the demo version, such items are indicated with a red crystal icon on the product card.

    The progress of the reward chain is updated after the purchase of such an item by any player in the clan. If the clan has accumulated enough value points to advance to the next step of the chain, all clan members receive a reward for completing that step.

    Also, the number of reward points is displayed in the top right corner of the demo version.

    Individual reward chains

    To test individual reward chains:

    1. Log in to the store.
    2. Purchase one of the items for which value points are provided as a bonus for individual reward chains. In the demo version, such items are indicated with a blue crystal icon on the product card. Rewards are given for reaching a certain amount of accumulated value points.

    The progress of the reward chain is updated after purchasing an item that awards value points.

    Also, the number of value points is displayed in the top right corner of the demo version.

    Participation in loyalty program

    To test the loyalty program in the demo version:

    1. Log in to the store.
    2. Purchase one of the items that earn bonus points in the form of virtual currency. Such items are marked with a special icon.

    1. The virtual currency is displayed in the top right corner of the demo version. Use the virtual currency you received as a bonus to purchase items in the Web Shop.

    Participation in the referral program

    To test the referral program in the demo version:

    1. Log in to the store.
    2. In the demo version, navigate to the referral program widget.

    1. Copy the referral program link.
    1. In the browser, open a new incognito window and paste the referral program link.
    2. Log in to the store with another user ID – this can be any random set of characters.
    3. Make a purchase.
    4. Receive bonuses for joining the referral program and making a purchase. They will be displayed in the purchase modal window after payment.
    1. In the demo version window where you copied the referral link, refresh the page and check the accrual of bonuses for the invited user joining the referral program.
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    Last updated: January 30, 2025

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