Pay Station

Organize and automate your game’s payment flow with one integration.

Xsolla Pay Station allows partners to monetize their product by providing users with a convenient UI to pay for in-game purchases in the game store. Key features:

  • 1,000+ payment methods in 200+ geographies, including bank cards, digital wallets, mobile payments, cash kiosks, gift cards, and special offers
  • 130+ currencies
  • UI localized in 25+ languages
  • Desktop/mobile browser versions

To integrate the payment UI into your game, follow the Payments solution integration guide.

Integrate Xsolla Mobile SDK to enable In-App Payments across mobile platforms within and outside of stores in a platform-compliant way, powered by Pay Station with over 1,000 payment methods.

Play demo

Get started with the product

Start building your online payments integration.

Integration guide



Explore references & resources

Learn more about the product.

API reference


Test cards list

Errors list

Find your answers in FAQs

See more FAQs

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Last updated: March 3, 2025

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