Social login
Social login can be your application’s primary or alternative authentication method.
If the user’s first login is via a social network, a new account is created automatically.
If you use social login as an alternative authentication method, the social network account automatically links to an existing user account if the following conditions are met:
- A user who signed up with a username/email address and password logged into your application via a social network account.
- A social network returns an email address.
- User email address in a social network is the same as the email address used for sign-up in your application.
In mobile applications, you can implement social login by opening an authorization form inside the application. To do this, connect the native Xsolla SDK for Android to the Cocos Creator project. Using this library, you can open a social network authorization form in a custom WebView and receive a user token if login succeeds. In this case, the user does not need to leave the mobile application.
To add authorization through social networks in mobile applications:
- Connect native Xsolla SDK for Android to your project.
- Start authorization and processing of its results:
- Implement a UI for social login in your application (for example, the
Sign in with Google button on the login page). - In accordance with the logic of the application, implement a call of the
native method. This method takes the name of the social network as a parameter.
- Implement a UI for social login in your application (for example, the
Example of starting social login:
- typescript
- On the Cocos Creator side, subscribe to the successful authorization event. This event is generated at the scene level by native Activity that handles the authorization result. Once authorization is successful, call the
handler method, which takes an object with the user’s token. This object can be used to further work with the Xsolla API.
- On the Cocos Creator side, subscribe to the successful authorization event. This event is generated at the scene level by native Activity that handles the authorization result. Once authorization is successful, call the
Subscription example:
- typescript
director.getScene().on(Events.SOCIAL_AUTH_SUCCESS, this.handleSuccessfulSocialAuth, this );
- Subscribe to login error and login cancellation events with a call to the necessary handler methods.
In mobile applications, you can implement social login by opening an authorization form inside the application. To do this, you need to connect the native Xsolla SDK for iOS to the Cocos Creator project. Using this library, you can open a social network authorization form in a pop-up Safari tab and receive a user token if login succeeds. In this case, the user does not need to leave the mobile application.
To add authorization through social networks in the mobile application:
- Connect native Xsolla SDK for iOS to your project.
- Start authorization and processing of its results:
- Implement a UI for social login in your application (for example, the
Sign in with Apple button on the login page). - In accordance with the logic of the application, implement a call of the
native method. This method takes the name of the social network as a parameter.
- Implement a UI for social login in your application (for example, the
Example of starting social login:
- typescript
- On the Cocos Creator side, subscribe to the successful authorization event. This event is generated at the scene level by a snippet of TypeScript-code that handles the authorization result. Once authorization is successful, call the
handler method, which takes an object with the user’s token. This object can be used to further work with the Xsolla API.
- On the Cocos Creator side, subscribe to the successful authorization event. This event is generated at the scene level by a snippet of TypeScript-code that handles the authorization result. Once authorization is successful, call the
Subscription example:
- typescript
director.getScene().on(Events.SOCIAL_AUTH_SUCCESS, this.handleSuccessfulSocialAuth, this );
- Subscribe to login error and login cancellation events with a call to the necessary handler methods.
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