Chargeback fee
How it works
A chargeback is the process when a payment account’s owner contacts the issuing bank with a request to return money for a payment. For example, this can happen if a paid item was not received, or if a fraudulent transaction was detected.
For each open chargeback, payment systems charge merchants an additional penalty — a chargeback fee. This commission is written off regardless of the result of processing and contesting the chargeback.
Fee calculation
The chargeback fee is 10-20 US dollars and is charged only once, even if several chargebacks were opened for the same transaction. This fee is charged only for the first chargeback on a transaction in the Accepted, Won, or Lost status.
Information about fee
Information about chargeback fees is displayed in two sections of Publisher Account:
Disputes section
You can find information about chargeback fees in the Support > Disputes section of Publisher Account. The fee amount is displayed in the Dispute fee column. If a chargeback is being processed, the amount of 0* will be displayed in the interface. Once the chargeback moves to one of the final statuses (Accepted, Won, or Lost), the displayed amount is updated. If the fee is not accrued when moving to the final status, the amount of 0 will be displayed in the interface. After charging the accrued amount, changes will be displayed in the interface.
You can also get a report on all disputes for the selected period. To do this, click Download report (CSV). The chargeback fee is displayed in the dispute_fee_sum column.
Example of a downloaded report:
Transaction registry section
You can find information about chargeback fees in the Accounting > Transaction registry section of Publisher Account. To open a transaction card, click on the transaction ID.
There are two ways of displaying information about the chargeback fee:
- In the card of a refunded transaction with the chargeback reason. The fee amount is displayed in the Payment system chargeback fee field.
- In the card of a transaction with the Dispute fee status. This transaction has the same ID as the main transaction that was reported as a chargeback. The fee amount is displayed in the Payment system chargeback fee field. The other fields remain empty since this information is displayed in the card of the main transaction.
Example of the main transaction and the transaction with the Dispute fee status:
Example of a card of a transaction with the Dispute fee status:
The way the chargeback fee is displayed depends on what happened first: the payment was refunded or the chargeback transitioned to one of the final statuses.
You can get a report on all transactions for the selected period. To do this, click Download transaction report and select the file format from the drop-down list. The total amount of chargeback fees is displayed in the Payment system chargeback fee column.
Example of a downloaded transaction report:{merchant_id}/reports/transactions/{transaction_id}/details
. Information about chargeback fee is returned in the finance_details.dispute_fee
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