Access restrictions

How it works

You can restrict access to a site based on the user’s country or IP address.

You can configure the following restrictions:

  • Specific IP addresses. In this case, the site will not be available to other users.
  • Specific country or groups of countries. In this case, the site will not be available to users from other countries.
  • Deny access to users from a specific country or groups of countries. In this case, the site will be available to users from other countries.

How to get it

Access is mutually exclusive – for one site you can configure only one from this list.
To configure access, contact your Customer Success Manager or email to and pass the following data:
Restriction typeSetting dataUsage example
To allow access to users with specific IP addresses.The list of allowed IP addresses.Testing a published site that only certain users have access to.
To allow access to users from a specific country or groups of countries.The list of allowed countries in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format (two-letter country code).Launching a website for a local audience in a specific country or group of countries.
Deny access to users from a specific country or groups of countries.List of banned countries in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format (two-letter country code).Launching a website with content that is prohibited in certain countries.
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Last updated: March 11, 2024

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