Binary patching

How it works

Binary patching means only downloading changed parts of game files. This enables:

  • smaller downloads,
  • faster game delivery and updates,
  • faster update unpacking.

Patches are generated by the Build Loader command-line utility.

Build Loader system requirements:

  • Windows 10 64-bit OS or macOS 12.4.0 and higher
  • 1.6 GHz CPU
  • 100 MB free RAM
  • Free disk space: 1.5 × build size

Who can use it

Partners who have already integrated Launcher.

How to get it

To generate and upload a patch:

  1. Initialize Build Loader.
  2. Upload the patch to the Xsolla update server.

Initialize Build Loader

To initialize the utility, you need to pass the previously copied API key and the path to the game build:
Full screen
Small screen
    build_loader.exe --init --api-key <api-key> --game-path <path-to-game>


    Full screen
    Small screen
      build_loader.exe --init --api-key E51DPZ486S9IUGVF43AH4T48QB7246OQ --game-path C:\Games\LastGameBuild
      You only need to initialize the utility once, unless you want to change said parameters.

      Upload patch to the server

      To upload a patch to the server, indicate the build path:
      Full screen
      Small screen
        build_loader.exe --update --game-path <path-to-game> --descr <build-description>


        Full screen
        Small screen
          build_loader.exe --update --game-path C:\Games\LastGameBuild

          You can omit the –game-path parameter if you have already used it when initializing the utility or uploading the previous patch.

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          Last updated: January 22, 2024

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