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I already use some Xsolla products and want to enable Partner Network. What do I need to do?

You can enable Partner Network in your Publisher Account, as described in the Partner Network integration flow. Before integrating the solution, contact your Customer Success Manager or email to csm@xsolla.com to clarify if you need to sign an addendum to your license agreement.

Do you support integration with third-party tracking services?

Xsolla provides our proprietary tracking technology that you can learn more about in the Tracking analytics section. You can request an integration with any external tracking services. To learn more details, contact your Customer Success Manager or email to csm@xsolla.com.

Can I edit an already-running program?

You can edit all the settings before you launch the program. After launching you can edit only the following:
  • increase the parameters (e.g., Revenue share or participation period)
  • enable additional options
After launching the program, you can’t decrease parameters and disable options because it contradicts the initial conditions of the program.

Can I stop a program before its expiration?

Yes, you can stop the program by a request to your Customer Success Manager or email to csm@xsolla.com. After the program is stopped, it won’t be available for new influencers and affiliate networks. Tracking links and promo codes will be effective until the Revenue share end date for collaborators who joined before the program was stopped.

Where can I find detailed sales statistics, including Revenue sharing data?

Go to Main Menu > Accounting > Transaction registry. Here you can find detailed statistics for all the transactions including User Acquisition fee. You can download this data in the CSV or XLS format by clicking the Download transaction report.

How do I receive payouts under Partner Network?

Payouts under Partner Network are included in the standard payouts for partners. You can find information about these payouts in the User Acquisition fee column in the Transactions table.

How long does it take to have my new Xsolla Partner Network program reviewed and approved?

Usually it takes 3-5 working days.

Can I set the Revenue share percentage to more than 50%?

If you want to set the Revenue share percentage at 50% or more, contact your Customer Success Manager or email to csm@xsolla.com.

Do you have program localization?

Automatic localization for the program content is not provided, but you can create different programs with necessary localized texts for appropriate audiences.

Where can I track program statistics?

To find the detailed statistics for your programs, go to the Statistics tab. Here, you can learn data about all the programs or choose the necessary one by using the filters.

Where can I find information about who’s joined my program?

Go to the Statistics tab and scroll to Performance Breakdown and Timeline dashboards. Here, you will see the partners’ performance data and the list of partners who have joined the program. You can export performance reports in the CSV and XML formats by clicking the Export full report or Export contacts.

Can I add promo materials to the launched program?

You can add promo materials in editing mode. Choose your program, click Edit program in the menu and add the link to promo materials or download a file via the Game Profile tab.

How can I put call-to-action buttons on promo materials?

While creating promo materials for your program, add clickable call-to-action buttons (e.g, for purchasing in-game items). If you want to promote your game worldwide, you should translate all the call-to-action buttons. It’s recommended that you provide source files of your promo materials, so influencers and affiliates can adjust, localize and personalize them as needed without your assistance.

Influencer programs

Can I make an influencer partner program available only for certain influencers?

To make the program available for certain influencers, go to the Program settings step in the creation mode or Partner requirements tab in the editing mode and scroll to the Exceptions section. In the White list, you can add influencers who will get access to your program.

You can also invite certain influencers to the program. Learn more about this function in the instruction on how to invite influencers to program.

Do you have your own base of influencers who will be notified about my program? Do I need to invite influencers to join the program?

There are many ways to work with influencers. Xsolla collaborates with a huge number of influencers who receive weekly newsletters about recently launched programs.

You can also invite certain influencers to the program. Learn more about this function in the instruction on how to invite influencers to program.

What is the difference between Accepted and Active statuses for the influencer program?

Accepted means the influencer joined the program, while Active means they brought at least 5 purchases with their tracking link.

Where can I set the minimum/maximum requirements for the influencers’ channel?

Go to the Program settings step in creating mode or to the Partner Requirements tab in editing mode and scroll to the Program Requirements section.
It’s strongly recommended that you don’t raise the restrictions to avoid any backlash from the influencers.

What minimum/maximum requirements should I put for the influencers’ channel?

You can set any requirements to your program. To set optimal requirements for the influencers’ channel, learn the recommendations for influencer programs.

What values should I put for the Revenue sharing end date, the participation end date, and the Revenue share percentage?

You can set any values you feel are suitable. To set optimal values for these parameters and target more effective game promotion, learn the recommendations for influencer programs.

We haven’t released the playable game version yet, but we already started to sell pre-orders. Can we launch a program?

For a game that is not released yet, you can create and launch a program with test game keys and add promotional materials to motivate content creators to represent your future game. You can also launch an additional program for affiliate networks because they don’t need access to the game to drive sales.

How does promo codes distribution work?

While creating or editing a program, you can enable promo codes distribution. It allows influencers who joined the program to create a custom code, distribute it to their audience, and motivate users to make purchases with a discount. This option is not required and totally up to the influencer.
The purchases made using the promo codes are also attributed in the final Revenue share calculation.

Can I create and launch a program in a test mode?

You are free to launch the program in a test mode to track the statistics and learn how the program works with different parameters. After analysing the test program performance, you can launch a modified live program.

What parameters should I set for programs with a free-to-play business model?

You can set the parameters that you feel are most suitable. To set the optimal settings for programs with the free-to-play business model, learn the recommendations for influencer programs.

Affiliate networks’ programs

What kinds of traffic can I exclude while creating a program?

You can restrict the following types of traffic:
  • social media marketing
  • contextual advertising
  • pop-up ads
  • mailings
  • incentivized traffic
  • mobile traffic
  • others
Xsolla is not responsible for unfair partners who drive restricted traffic types, but Xsolla does everything to ban them if they are detected.

Where can I exclude particular traffic types when creating a program?

Go to the Program settings step in the creation mode or to the Partner Requirements tab in the editing mode and scroll to the Program Requirements section.

What are promo materials and what formats should I use?

Promo materials are products branded with your logo or slogan and distributed to promote your brand, corporate identity, or event. Influencers and affiliate networks work with all file format types. You can find preferable formats for each material type (banner, logo, etc.) in the section about promo materials.

How does the process for affiliate networks integration work in the program?

After you create a program, it appears on the dashboard with all programs you’ve created. This dashboard is to the affiliate networks and they choose programs that they want to work with. The next step is generating tracking links for every chosen program on the Xsolla side and sharing it with the affiliate networks. After you test the links, an affiliate campaign starts.

What is the optimal Revenue share percentage?

The most suitable Revenue share percentage for affiliate networks’ program is 30-50%. It’s also recommended that you pay attention to the overall game cost — with a lower cost you should set a higher Revenue share percentage.

What is the optimal participation end date for the program?

It’s recommended that you set the program duration to no less than six months to give affiliate networks enough time to learn your program. You can also stop the program ahead of schedule as needed.
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Last updated: January 22, 2024

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