SDK for Unity (PC, web) / Overview
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SDK for Unity (PC, web)

Purchase in one click

You can implement a simplified process of purchasing items in your application. This method is suitable for the sale of one SKU in any quantity. For example, 100 identical potions.

In this case, the user will proceed to payment right after selecting the item and its quantity, without adding items to the cart.

The information about the discount (personalized or related to the purchase) will be available to the user only in the payment UI. The use of promo codes is not provided.

To implement the logic of one-click purchases:

  1. Call the Purchase SDK method of the Catalog class. This method encapsulates methods for creating an order and tracking the order status. When calling this method, pass a function that is called when the order transitions to the done status in the onSuccess parameter.

  1. Update the inventory on the client side of the application using one of the following options:

SDK reference documentation
Learn more about SDK methods and its parameters.
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Last updated: February 4, 2025

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