Personalized offers

You can create personalized offers for different user groups. For example, players with a certain level or number of transactions, can receive a discount when purchasing virtual items.

The configuration of personalized offers uses read-only user attributes. For example, use them for the chance to get a bonus, game character key parameters, user categories, etc. The values for this type of attributes are entered and edited on the server side of your application.

To set up personalized offers:

  1. Set up attributes validation rules in JSON Schema format.
  2. In your application, implement the logic to pass attribute values to storage. To do this, use the following API methods:

If you implement user authentication via a custom ID in your application, you can pass attribute values ​​when calling the Auth by custom ID API endpoint.

  1. Set up rules for personalized offers. You can set one or more conditions for personalization of:

  1. To display a personalized catalog, pass the token received during user authorization to the SDK methods:
    • GetVirtualItems
    • GetAllItemsList
    • GetVirtualCurrencies
    • GetVirtualCurrencyPackages
    • GetSpecifiedBundle
    • GetItemsListBySpecifiedGroup
SDK reference documentation
Learn more about SDK methods and its parameters.
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Last updated: January 22, 2024

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