Set up catalog

Follow the step-by-step instructions to set up virtual currencies and virtual items in your Publisher Account:

Create virtual currency

Virtual currency is virtual money that is used for purchasing and selling in-game items. Depending on its purpose, a virtual currency affects the game economy balance or is connected to the monetization of the app. You can also create hard currency — a virtual currency that is linked to the platform of purchase and can be purchased only for real money.

You can sell the virtual currency in predefined amounts. For a package, you can define a special price that doesn’t equal the amount of virtual currency in it.

See the Virtual currency section to learn more about virtual currency.

To set up virtual currency:

  1. Open your project in Publisher Account.
  2. Click Store in the side menu and connect the Virtual Currency module.

  1. On the Prices tab, click New virtual currency.
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Set up a virtual currency package

To set up a virtual currency package:

  1. Open your project in Publisher Account.
  2. Click Store in the side menu and go to Virtual Currency.
  3. Go to Packages.
  4. Click New package.

  1. Specify the following parameters:
    • Image of the package (optional).
    • Package SKU.
    • Name for the package.
    • Short description of the package.
    • Virtual currency for a package.
    • Prices in real and virtual currencies.
    • Default currency.
    • Attribute (optional).
You can add only one type of virtual currency to a package. You should specify the prices for virtual currency packages at least in one real or virtual currency. The amount of virtual currency can be specified only as the integer value.
  1. If you want to limit the number of times a user can buy a virtual currency package, switch the Limit the number of times one user can buy package toggle to On and specify the limit.
  2. You can set a time limit for the virtual currency package to be displayed in the store. To do this, select Time period, specify the time zone, the beginning, and end of the period. To not indicate the end of the package display period, check the No end date box.
  3. Click Create package.
After creating a virtual item, virtual currency, or virtual currency package, you can set statuses for the item to determine whether it is available, unavailable, or partially available.
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Create virtual items

Virtual items are the in-game content that you can sell for real and virtual currency.

There are 3 types of virtual items:

  • Consumable — items that you can have in large quantities and purchase several times. Their quantity is decreased when users consume them.
  • Nonconsumable — items that can be accrued or purchased only once. They keep into user’s inventory and can’t be removed from the inventory by being consumed on the client side. You can withdraw it only via a server method.
  • Time-limited item — a nonconsumable item that is available for a limited period of time and doesn’t disappear from the inventory when it expires. The user needs to buy this item again to activate it.

See the Virtual items section to learn more about virtual items.

To set up virtual items, you need to configure virtual items groups. Groups let you have a multilevel catalog and manage a display of items in the store.

To create groups of virtual items:

  1. Open your project in Publisher Account.
  2. Click Store in the side menu and connect the Virtual Items module.

  1. Click Create a group.

  1. Specify the following parameters:
    • Group code.
    • Group name.
  2. If you want to show the group in a catalog, set the Show group in Store toggle to On.
Items that don’t have a specified group are added to the Ungrouped group.

  1. Click Create group.

To set up a virtual item:

  1. Open your project in Publisher Account.
  2. Click Store in the side menu and connect the Virtual Items module.
  3. Click Create item.

  1. Specify:
    • Image.
    • SKU.
    • One or several groups the item should belong to.
    • Name.
    • Description.
An item description is limited to 255 characters. If you need to add a description longer than 255 characters, contact your Customer Success Manager or email to
    • Item property: consumable, nonconsumable, or time-limited items.
    • Prices in real or virtual currencies.
You can’t create an item without specifying its price in real or virtual currency. You can’t create an item with a zero price value.
  1. If you want to limit the number of times a user can buy an item, switch the Limit number of times one user can buy this item toggle to On and specify the limit.
  2. You can set a time limit for the item to be displayed in the store. To do this, select Time period, specify the time zone, the beginning, and end of the period. To not indicate the end of the item display period, check the No end date box.
  3. Click Create item.
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Create bundles

Bundle is a set of several items that are sold as a single unit. You can add items of different types to a bundle:

  • Virtual currency.
  • Package of virtual currency.
  • Virtual items including time-limited items.
  • Bundles.

See the Bundles section to learn more about bundles.

To set up a bundle:

  1. Open your project in Publisher Account.
  2. Click Store in the side menu and connect the Bundles module.

  1. Click Create bundle.
  2. Specify the following parameters:
    • Image (optional).
    • SKU.
    • Name.
    • Short description (optional).
    • Product type.
    • Price.
You can’t add the same bundle or physical goods to a bundle. You can’t create an empty bundle.
You can create a bundle without specifying its price in real or virtual currency. If such a bundle is displayed in the store, it will be available to users for free.
  1. If you want to limit the number of times a user can buy a bundle, switch the Limit the number of times one user can buy bundle toggle to On and specify the limit.
  2. You can set a time limit for the bundle to be displayed in the store. To do this, select Time period and specify the time zone and the beginning and end of the period. To not indicate the end of the bundle display period, check the No end date box.
  3. Click Save.
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Last updated: October 10, 2023

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