SDK for Unity (PC, web) / Overview
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SDK for Unity (PC, web)

Track order status

After a user makes a purchase, your application can perform the following actions:

  • show the order status in the application UI
  • credit a user’s balance after a successful payment
  • grant the purchased items after a successful payment

To implement the logic of these actions, you need to track the order status using the OrderTracking.Instance.AddOrderForTracking SDK method. Pass the following parameters to the method:

This method encapsulates several methods for tracking the order status. The mechanism differs depending on the platform for which the application is built:

  • For WebGL builds, tracking is based on the postMessage events of the payment interface widget. If the Pay Station widget sends a message that the order status changed to done or cancel, tracking stops.
  • For builds for other platforms, tracking uses simple HTTP requests (short-polling) and WebSocket requests. Tracking is performed according to the following algorithm:
    1. A web socket connection is established.
    2. If the order status does not change to done or cancel within 5 minutes, the web socket connection is closed. If the order status changes to done or cancel, tracking stops.
    3. Order status tracking continues with short-polling. A simple HTTP order status request is sent once every 3 seconds. Tracking stops if:
      • order status changes to done or cancel
      • the order status does not done or cancel within 10 minutes
If a web socket connection fails, the order status is tracked using short-polling.

You can also implement:

  • requesting the order status and order contents using the CheckOrderStatus SDK method
  • webhook handling on the server side of your application for Xsolla transaction events

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Last updated: October 10, 2023

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