Errors list

0401-1000, 0401-1460The purchase limit for the item has been exceeded.Check with the API method Get number of items available to specified user whether the user has exceeded the item purchase limit.
To reset or set new limits for a specific user, use the API methods Refresh purchase limit and Set number of items available to specified user.
0401-1004Error displaying localized interface in Site Builder: translations of product names and descriptions.Delete and re-add the language that is not displaying in the Publisher Account in the section Project Settings > General Settings > Project Languages.
0401-1102Missing or incorrect request data.Make sure that all required fields are included in the request and match the API documentation.
0401-1424The user is trying to purchase a quantity of keys that exceeds the set limit.Ensure that the quantity of keys the user is attempting to purchase does not exceed the available quantity in the Publisher Account or through the API method Get game for administration. If necessary, upload additional keys.
0401-1455After adding the item to the cart, the item became unavailable.Make sure that the item is created in the project and available for purchase:Recommend that the user try purchasing the item again later when it is available for purchase.
0401-1456This free item is not intended for purchase. For example, the item was initially priced, but after the user added it to the cart, it became free.Ensure that orders with free items are created using the API method Create order with specified free item.
0401-1459The user is trying to purchase a quantity of items that exceeds the set limit.Ensure that the quantity of game keys the user tried to purchase doesn’t exceeds the available quantity in the Publisher Account. If necessary, adjust the limit.
0401-1468The non-consumable item has already been purchased.A user may have a single instance of the non-consumable item in their inventory, and this item cannot be purchased again. Before the user buys the item, you can change the item’s property to Consumable. If necessary, create a new item.
0401-1501, 0401-8002Authorization error. Invalid token.Ensure that the authorization token has not expired. Check the validity of the Xsolla Login User JWT or the user’s authorization token.
0401-2001Authorization token error.Make sure that the project ID and user authorization token are correct, and that the token has not expired.
0401-2503Webhook configuration error.Ensure that the project ID is correctly specified in the request URL and that webhook retrieval is correctly configured in the Publisher Account.
0401-4001The item is unavailable or does not exist in the project.Make sure that the item is created in the project and available for purchase:
0401-4001The requested chain of rewards does not exist.Make sure that the project ID is correctly specified, and that the requested reward chain exists in this project.
0401-4001The purchase limit for the item has been exceeded or the item is hidden in the store.Make sure that the item is created in the project and available for purchase:To reset or update the restrictions available to a specific user, use the API methods Refresh purchase limit and Increase number of items available to specified user.
0401-4001The purchase of the item is not available in the user’s country.Make sure that the item price is specified for the user’s country and that there are no regional restrictions on the item in that country. The item price is passed in the prices parameter in the Admin sub-section methods of the Virtual items & currency group of methods.
0401-4002An item with this SKU already exists.In the Publisher Account or using the API method Get virtual item, ensure that the item SKU is unique in the specific project. If the SKU is already in use, change the SKU for one of the items.
0401-4054During the initialization of the product widget, the price of the item was not found.In the Publisher Account, check that a price is specified for the item. You can also verify that the price is set using the prices parameter in the API method Create virtual item.
0401-4082Incorrect release date of the game is specified in the pre-order.Check the release date in the pre-order. If the release date has passed, specify a new date.
0401-4403The catalog group does not exist.Check that the group status in the Store section of the Publisher Account is Enabled. Additionally, using the API method Get sellable items list by specified group, ensure that the project ID and group ID are passed correctly.
0401-4603The game key does not exist or has been deleted.Make sure that the game key exists and has not been deleted, and check the accuracy of the entered key. If needed, contact your project’s personal manager or email
0401-5006Insufficient virtual currency balance for the user.The user needs to increase their virtual currency balance.
0401-5008An unauthorized user is trying to purchase a game key.Configure the sale of game keys for unauthorized users.
0401-5101The game key has already been activated.Use the API method Get list of games owned by user to check if the user has activated the key for this game.
0401-9001Error while retrieving order:
  • Attempt to retrieve or update a non-existent order.
  • The order does not belong to the user.
Make sure that the order exists and belongs to the user whose ID is specified in the payment token. If needed, contact your project’s personal manager or email
0401-9003Additional information is required to create an order.Ensure that all required parameters are passed when creating an order using the methods in the Cart & Payment group.
0401-9602The item was not found during the initialization of the product widget.Check that the item with the specified SKU exists and ensure that the item status in the Store section of the Publisher Account is Available. You can also verify the item status using the is_show_in_store parameter in the API method Get virtual item.
0401-9803The promo code does not provide the user with any discount or bonus.Check the promotion settings in the Publisher Account or using the API method Get promo code promotion. Disable the promotion, replace the bonus items and discounts, and then activate the promotion again.
0401-9804The limit on the number of coupon uses has been exceeded.Check the coupon settings for restrictions in the Publisher Account or using the API method Get coupon promotion or Get unique coupon code limits. If there are restrictions, use the API method Get promotion limit for specified user to check if a specific user has exceeded the limit.
To reset or update restrictions for a specific user, use the API methods Update coupon promotion and Increase coupon limit for specified user.
0401-9807The promo code specified in the request is incorrect or inactive.Make sure that the promotion with the promo code is active and that its validity period has not expired.
0401-9811The promo code specified in the request does not exist or is inactive.Make sure that the promo code has the correct format, the promotion with the promo code is active, and its validity period has not expired.
0401-9812The user is attempting to claim a reward from the chain for completing a step again.Using the API method Get current user’s reward chains, ensure that the reward has been successfully credited to the user.
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Last updated: December 5, 2024

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