How to increase first payment for subscription

How it works

To increase the first subscription payment so it’s more than subsequent payments, you can add a setup fee to this payment.

How to get it

To increase the first subscription payment:

  1. Open your project in Publisher Account.
  2. In the side menu, click Subscriptions.
  3. Create a new subscription plan or choose the existing one.
  4. In the Payment information section, select the Set price with a setup fee option.

  1. Specify the plan price for USD. To do this, fill in the Setup fee and Price fields.
Every subscription plan must have a price in USD.
  1. You can specify the setup fee and price in other currencies if needed. To do this:
    1. Make sure you have specified the price in USD and click +.
    2. Select a new currency and fill in the Setup fee and Price fields.
You can use a negative value for the setup fee to decrease the first payments so it’s less than subsequent payments. Keep in mind that the price with the included setup fee must be greater than 0.
  1. Complete the new subscription plan or save changes in the existing one.
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Last updated: October 10, 2023

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