How to manage game streams and pricing


Game stream

A game uploaded to the cloud and available to users for a seamless game experience. Setting up game streams allows you to manage your game’s regional availability, capacity, and prices.

After creation, you can only edit pricing and add new regions. To edit streams’ coverage, you need to remove the existing regions and add them again.
Geographical areas where your game is available with a lower ping. This setting enables you to ensure seamless gaming experiences for users in regions where you are planning to reach your target audience.
A setting that defines the connection time and maximum number of concurrent players your game’s server can accommodate. Managing game capacity correctly optimizes server resources, prevents server overloads, and maintains a consistent and performant gaming experience.
A server offering necessary configurations for running games. There can be only one cluster per region.

Coverage and capacity

To set up your game coverage and capacity:

  1. Open your project in Publisher Account.
  2. In the side menu, click Cloud Gaming.
  3. In the game pane where you want to set up a coverage, click:
    • Fill info — you have not published your game yet.
    • Edit info — if your game is already published.
  4. Go to the Stream tab.
  5. Click:
    • Set up stream — if you have not configured game coverage yet.
    • Add coverage — if you have previously configured game coverage.
  6. In the modal window that opens, select regions where your game will be available:
    1. Select server power per your game’s hardware requirement: high or ultra.
    2. Click on the dot on the map in the respective region.
    3. In the window that opens, select a cluster from the list. For privacy purposes, aliases are used instead of clusters’ real names.
  7. Click Capacity.
  1. Select the capacity required for your game. This defaults to Cost-optimized capacity; if you want to enable higher capacity, contact the Xsolla Cloud Gaming team at
  2. Click Pricing.

Chosen clusters will be added to the list in the Draft status. They move to the Active status once the game is published. If you want to update settings of a game that had been already published, click Publish game to activate new clusters.


Based on your needs and integration costs, you can set up the playtime price for your game streams in a particular region.

The end user price is calculated using the formula:

\[ \begin{aligned} \text{User price} = \frac{\text{Self cost} + \text{Fixed fee}}{1 - \text{Percentage fee}} / (1 - \text{Xsolla fee}) \end{aligned} \]


  • User price — the end user price in US dollars per 1 hour of playtime.
  • Self cost — a game stream’s self cost per 1 hour in US dollars.
  • Fixed fee — fee you want to charge for 1 hour of playtime in US dollars. Equals 0, if the Percentage fee value is passed.
  • Percentage fee — fee you want to charge for 1 hour of playtime as a percentage. Equals 0, if the Fixed fee value is passed.
  • Xsolla fee — Xsolla fee as a percentage.

To set up pricing:

  1. Configure your game coverage and capacity.
  2. Specify the fee you want to charge for 1 hour of playtime. You can do that in one of the following ways:
    • In the Fixed fee column, specify the fee in US dollars. You can set this value based on a ratio of the game’s cost to its playtime. For example, if the local copy of your game costs 60 US dollars and provides an average of 30 hours of playtime, you can set the fee to 2 US dollars per hour.
    • In the Percentage fee column, specify the fee as a percentage of the end user price and overall cost. You can set this value as additive costs for your game, e.g., to cover royalty payments.
  3. Click Publish. If you are not ready to publish your game, you can close the modal window and edit pricing settings later.
To edit pricing:
  1. In your game’s section, go to the Pricing tab.
  2. Click Edit pricing.
  3. Make necessary changes.
  4. Click Save.
The end user price, Xsolla fee, and your revenue are automatically calculated and displayed in the modal window. We recommend carefully considering these calculations, as the prices also influence gaming experience: users that got 1 orb as a welcome bonus won’t be able to spend it to try out the game if the playtime price is significantly higher. E.g., if 1 hour of playtime costs 30 orbs, a user can play only 2 minutes spending 1 welcome orb.
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Last updated: November 2, 2024

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