Participation guidelines
How it works
Participation Guidelines include additional requirements, guidelines, or recommendations that influencers must read and accept before joining the program. These guidelines can be unique for every program.
You need to have at least one active influencer program.
Influencer flow
- The influencer goes to the program and clicks Join.
- The influencer sees a modal window with the text for Participation Guidelines. They check the box I accept the Participation Guidelines after reading them and click Join.
The influencer won’t get access to the program until they accept the Participation Guidelines.
- After joining the program, the influencer will find the text for Participation Guidelines in the file next to the Program details heading.
How to get it
To add Participation Guidelines to an active program, send a request to with the following details:
- HTML-document with the text of Participation Guidelines.
- ID of the program that you want to add Participation Guidelines in. To get the ID, go to your Publisher Account > Partner Network > Programs and click Edit program. The ID is shown in the URL.
- Any additional comments that you feel are useful.
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