SDKs for Android / Overview
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SDKs for Android

Test payment process

After successfully configuring the library, test the payment process.

Payments are available only in sandbox mode until you sign the licensing agreement with Xsolla. In this mode, you can use test bank cards to simulate a successful or declined payment process.

To see transactions made in sandbox mode:

  1. Open your Publisher Account.
  2. Go to Accounting > Transaction registry.
  3. Check the Show test transactions box.

After signing the licensing agreement with Xsolla, you can continue to use sandbox mode or change the project settings and start accepting real payments.

Test the payment process by making real payments:

  1. Make sure that you have signed a contract with Xsolla.
  2. Set .isSandbox(false) while building a Paystation Intent.

After the first real payment is made, a strict sandbox payment policy takes effect. Payments made in sandbox mode are available only to users who are specified in Publisher Account in the Company settings > Users section.
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Last updated: January 22, 2024

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