SDK for Unity (PC, web) / Overview
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SDK for Unity (PC, web)

How to change built-in browser

In standalone builds, the SDK uses a built-in browser developed by the Xsolla team to open the payment UI and authenticate the user through third-party services. You can replace this with any other built-in browser that allows tracking URL changes. To do this:

  1. Implement the IInAppBrowser interface in the custom MonoBehaviour component.
  2. Create a prefab of a browser with IInAppBrowser implementation:
    1. Create a gameObject and set up browser UI.
    2. Add component with IInAppBrowser implementation on the root gameObject.
    3. Save the gameObject as prefab.
  3. Assign the resulting prefab as BrowserPrefab variable in the XsollaWebBrowser prefab:
    1. Open the XsollaWebBrowser prefab in the edit mode (path: Assets/Xsolla/Core/Browser/Resources/XsollaWebBrowser).
    2. Drag and drop browser prefab to BrowserPrefab field.
    3. Save changed prefab.
You can find an example of the IInAppBrowser interface implementation in the file Assets/Xsolla/Core/Browser/XsollaBrowser/XsollaInAppBrowser.cs.
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Last updated: September 4, 2024

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