Set up webhooks with item data

Receiving webhooks with item data is necessary for item receipt when the user:

  • enters their game ID in Backpack
  • links a gaming platform account (e.g., Steam) to Backpack

The user flow of receiving items in Backpack is determined automatically depending on the project settings and item parameters.

To receive information on the game server about the item that the user received through Backpack, configure the receiving and handling of webhooks from the Xsolla servers:

  1. Set up your project to receive webhooks:

    1. Open your project in Publisher Account.
    2. Click Project settings in the side menu and go to the Webhooks section.
    3. In the Webhook server field, enter the URL to which Xsolla will send webhooks.
    4. Copy and save the value from the Secret key field. This key is generated by default and is used to sign webhooks. If you want to change it, click the update icon.
    5. Click Enable webhooks.


In the Publisher Account settings, only one server address for webhooks can be specified.

If you have already set up a webhook for selling your own virtual currency through the Metaframe widget, contact your Customer Success Manager or email to and provide the following information:

  • Merchant ID. You can find it in your Publisher Account in several places:
    • In the Company settings > Company section.
    • In the URL in the browser address bar on any Publisher Account page. The URL has the following format:<merchant ID>/<Publisher Account section>.
  • Project ID. You can find it in your Publisher Account next to the name of the project.
  • Webhook server URL.

  1. Implement the processing of the following webhooks:

To confirm that the webhook is received, your server must respond with:

  • HTTP code 200 without a message body.
  • HTTP code 404 describing the problem if the specified user was not found or an invalid signature was passed.
  • HTTP code 500 describing the problem if there are temporary problems on your server.
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Last updated: April 18, 2024

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