SDK for Unity (PC, web) / Overview
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SDK for Unity (PC, web)


General information

With subscriptions, you can provide users with access to a package of services under specified conditions. The subscription management solution is based on the Subscription product.

Subscription plans vary in duration and payment terms. The following types of plans are available:

  • Regular plan with regular payments.
  • Lifetime plan with a one-time payment and an unlimited period of validity.
  • Season pass with a one-time payment and a limited period of validity.

Subscription management (for example, creating and configuring plans, setting up a trial period, setting up a grace period for a subscription) is performed in Publisher Account in the Subscriptions section.

In your application, you need to implement purchase and management of subscriptions using SDK methods.

Subscription purchase scenario

  1. The application requests a list of available plans using the following SDK methods:
    • GetSubscriptionPublicPlans — returns a list of plans available to unauthorized users.
    • GetSubscriptionPlans — returns a list of plans available to authorized users.

  1. The application displays subscription plans to the user.
  2. The user selects a plan and proceeds to the payment stage.
  3. The application receives the URL to open the payment interface using the GetSubscriptionPurchaseUrl method.
  4. The application opens the received URL in a browser.
  5. The user pays for the subscription.

Subscription management scenario

  1. The application requests a list of the user’s subscriptions using the GetSubscriptions method.
  2. The application requests detailed information about each user’s subscription using the GetSubscriptionDetails method (optional).
  3. The application displays a list of subscriptions to the user.
  4. The user selects a subscription and the action he wants to perform — cancel, open a web page to renew, or manage subscriptions.
  5. The application calls one of the following methods to handle the action:

    • CancelSubscription — to cancel the selected subscription
    • GetSubscriptionRenewalUrl — to get the URL of the renewal interface for the selected subscription
    • GetSubscriptionManagementUrl — to get the URL of the management interface for the selected subscription

  1. The application opens the received URL in a browser.
  2. The user performs an action on a subscription.
Subscription cancellation occurs immediately after a call to the CancelSubscription method — steps 6 and 7 are not performed.
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Last updated: March 1, 2024

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