Set up Virtual Currency module

  1. Open your project in Publisher Account.
  2. Click Connect in the Store pane. You can go to the In-Game Store settings from any section of Publisher Account by clicking the Store in the side menu.
  1. Click Connect in the Virtual Currency pane.
  1. Create virtual currency:
    1. Click Create virtual currency.
    1. Specify the following information:
      • SKU
      • currency name
      • price of one unit of virtual currency
      • default currency
      • features of hard virtual currency (optional)
      • image (optional)
    2. Click Create currency.
  1. Create packages of virtual currency:
    1. Go to Packages.
    2. Click Create package.
    1. Specify the following information:
      • SKU
      • package name
      • short description
      • virtual currency
      • quantity of currency units in a package
      • price
      • default currency
      • image (optional)
    1. Set the Show in Store toggle to On.
    2. Click Create package.
The asset supports purchasing of virtual items for virtual currency. Also, the users are able to use virtual currency according to in-game logics (getting access to a location, getting progression levels, etc.). Users spend virtual currency when calling a ConsumeInventoryItem SDK method.
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Last updated: October 10, 2023

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