Set up SDK

  1. Open your Unreal Engine project in Unreal Editor.
  2. Go to Settings > Project Settings > Plugins > Xsolla Settings > General and specify project parameters:

    1. In the Project ID field, specify the project ID that can be found in Publisher Account next to the name of your project.
    2. In the Login ID field, specify the ID of the Login project. To get it, open Publisher Account, go to the Login > Dashboard > your Login project section, and click Copy ID next to the name of the Login project.
    3. In the Client ID field, specify client ID for OAuth 2.0 that can be found in Publisher Account in the Login > your Login project > Security > OAuth 2.0 section.
    4. In the Redirect URI field, specify the URL or path in the application to which users are redirected after they have successfully authenticated, confirmed their email, or reset their password. The value must match the one specified in Publisher Account in the Login > your Login project > Security > OAuth 2.0 section.
    5. Set other settings if necessary (e.g., display options for the payment UI in the Pay Station UI section).

  1. As a result, your project in Publisher Account will be connected to demo maps.
  1. Go to Content Browser > View Options and check the boxes for Show Engine Content and Show Plugin Content.
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Last updated: September 4, 2024

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