Clan reward system


A group of users who come together to play together and achieve common goals.
Clan reward chain
A set of steps that users have to complete in order to receive a reward. When a user who is in a clan (a clan member) makes a purchase, the value points are shared with the entire clan.

So funktioniert's

The clan reward system gives you the opportunity to incentivize users who are united in a clan and regularly purchase items in the in-game store with real currency. In this case, users receive additional motivation to use the in-game store or web store. You can create clan reward chains by giving out rewards for a certain amount of real currency spent. There can be several chains in the game. The maximum length of one chain is 31 steps. Each step has an execution condition — to gain a given number of value points that show the clan progress in the reward system. When a user who is in a clan (a clan member) makes a purchase, the value points are shared with the entire clan.

At each step, a clan can receive from 1 to 10 rewards for each member. You can reward users by giving out the following item types:

  • virtual items
  • virtual currency
  • virtual currency packages
  • bundles

Unauthorized users and users without clan can see clan reward chains as blocked.

Wie komme ich dazu

To set up a clan reward system, you will need the following details:

  • Start and end dates of the reward system.
Ist kein Enddatum angegeben, läuft das Belohnungssystem auf unbestimmte Zeit.
  • An image, description, SKUs, and names of clan value points that enable progress in the clan reward chain.
  • The number of value points and items in the clan reward chain.

Implement on your side:

  • display of elements of the reward system in the store:
  • the number of value points that are awarded for purchasing items in the catalog
  • personal value points
  • clan value points
  • steps
  • personal reward chains
  • clan reward chains
  • the balance of the authorized user’s value points
  • rewards
  • integration of reward methods
For the correct work of the reward system, your site must have user authorization set up in the catalog. If you use the Web Shop or Site Builder, then you don’t have to implement displaying the elements of the reward system and integrating API methods on your side.

To set up the reward system, implement the following API methods::

Über Kundenportal einrichten

Before a clan reward chain creation, you need to create value points and items that users can purchase to earn value points.

Create clan value points

To create clan value points:

  1. Open your project in Publisher Account.
  2. Click Store in the side menu.
  3. In the Live-ops and promotion tools pane, click:
  • Connect — if you don’t have promotions, rewards, or referral programs.
  • Configure – if you previously connected promotions, rewards, or referral programs.
  1. In the Rewards tab, click Create value points.
  1. Specify the following parameters:
  • Add an image (optional).
  • Specify unique value points SKU.
  • Specify that value point will use for a clan.
  • Specify value points name.
  1. Click Next.
  2. Click + and select a virtual item’s SKU and the amount of value points that user will receive per purchase.
  1. Click Save.

Clan value points are created and displayed above the reward chains. If necessary, you can change or delete them using the Edit button.

Create clan reward chain

To create a clan reward chain:

  1. Open your project in Publisher Account.
  2. Click Store in the side menu.
  3. In the Live-ops and promotion tools pane, click:
  • Connect — if you don’t have promotions, rewards, or referral programs.
  • Configure – if you previously connected promotions, rewards, or referral programs.
  1. In the Rewards tab, click Create reward.
  1. Choose Clan reward chain type.
  1. In the drop-down list Clan type, choose a type of the clan.
  2. Specify the following parameters:
  • Specify reward chain name.
  • Specify description.
  • Specify a title for the reward chain popup header.
  • Specify the text for the popup tip: what you need to do to earn rewards for your clan.
  • Add image (optional).
  • In the drop-down list choose value points.
  1. Click Next.
  2. Click Add new step.
  3. Specify the following parameters:
  • Step name.
  • Required amount of value points for claiming the reward.
  • Required amount of virtual items for step.
The item must be available or partially available for purchase.
  1. Click Save.
    The value points for each level should be increasing. The recommended maximum length of one chain is 31 steps.
  2. Click Next.
  3. Specify validity period of the reward chain.
  4. If you want the reward chain to renew at a specific time, set the Make reward chain renewable toggle to On and specify the update mode.
  1. Click Save.

​​To activate the reward chain:

  1. In the reward catalog, choose the reward chain.
  2. Click ••• and choose Activate in the drop-down list.

Über API-Aufrufe einrichten

Sie können die Methoden aus der Untergruppe Admin der Methodengruppe Reward chains & Value points nutzen, um mit dem Belohnungssystem zu arbeiten.

  1. Die Wertpunkte berechtigen zum Erhalt von Belohnungen im Rahmen des Belohnungssystem. Erstellen Sie die Wertpunkte mithilfe des API-Aufrufs Create value point.
  2. Mit dem API-Aufruf Set value points for items vergeben Sie Wertpunkte an Nutzer im Gegenzug für den Kauf bestimmter Artikel.
  3. Erstellen Sie das Belohnungssystem über den API-Aufruf Create reward chain.
  4. Der Wechsel zwischen den Belohnungssystemen erfolgt über den API-Aufruf Toggle reward chain.

Sie können das Belohnungssystem ändern, deaktivieren oder löschen und die Artikelwertpunkte entfernen.

Wenn Sie den API-Aufruf Delete value points from items aufrufen, um Wertpunkte von einem oder mehreren Artikeln zu entfernen, werden die Wertpunkte von allen Artikeln entfernt.
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Letztmalig aktualisiert: 6. November 2024

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